Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You are wealthy now, in abundance of what you are thinking about

The world is a creative engine, and will create whatever you are really thinking. Every thought in your mind is a prayer about you, no matter who the subject seems to be.

The only way to manifest lack is top hold something against someone else.
Give up all thoughts of offense, revenge, of being injured, of self-justification, of needed to defend your self against others’ expectations, of the unfairness of life, of others getting some unearned advantage.

Joy breeds joy and sorrow breeds sorrow. When you here of someone’s good fortune, think, “Good for them! God is blessing and prospering them, and I bless them also!”

Charles Fillmore sys, “The inexhaustible resource of spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack. Abundance is her and now manifest!” (Charles Fillmore or Charles Fillmore)

And he is absolutely right!
from Brad Jenson

Monday, December 29, 2008


When any person withholds that which belongs to the universe, his life is thrown out of balance, he experiences loss in some form. It may be lack of supply, lack of health, lack of love, lack of spiritual understanding, or lack of direction in his life. It is only as we let go of our littleness that we can expand into the larger life.

Cahterine Ponder

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Impression of Increase

All people are seeking some form of increase [growth expansion, improvement, encouragement, strengthening] whether they know it or not. They are naturally attracted to increase and those who either gives to them or makes them feel as they they are getting it.

Convey the impression of advancement [progress, expansion, increase] with everything you do so that all people receive that impression that they will advance with you. Do this socially as well. You can this by holding the unshakable faith [confidence, trust, belief] you are getting rich or on the way of increase [advancement, success, wealth, increase] and let this faith inspire, fill and permeate every action. Do everything with the conviction you are an advancing being and you are giving advancement to everyone else. Feel [think, believe] you are getting rich and that in doing so you are making others rich. But do not brag or boast of your success and do not rule or dominate over others.

Source: Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, chapter 14

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is that so?

The Zen master Hakuin lived in a small village in Japan. He was held in high regard for his spiritual teaching. It happened that a beautiful girl in the village became pregnant. Her angry scolding parents demanded to know the identity of the father. Finally the girl told them it was Hakuin, the Zen master. In great anger the parents parents confronted Hakuin with their daughter's accusation. He simply replied "Is that so?"

News of the scandal spread and the master soon lost his reputation. None of this bothered the master. Though no one came to see him anymore, he remained unmoved. When the child was born, the parents brought it to the Hakuin. They demanded that he take care of the child since it was his responsibility. "Is that so?" Hakuin said calmly as he accepted the child.

Hakuin took very good loving care of the child. A year later the daughter confessed that the real father was a young man in the village who worked in a shop. With much distress and many apologies the parents went to Hakuin to explain what had happened. "Is that so?" Hakuin said and he handed back to them the child.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Safest plastics for food and beverages

By Lori Bongiorno Posted Mon Nov 3, 2008 10:28pm PST

Some plastics are safer to eat and drink from than others. Here's a quick guide to help you make informed choices. If you want to dig deeper, take a look at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's Smart Plastics Guide (PDF).

It's worth avoiding the following plastics when you can. You can identify a plastic by looking at the recycling code number that appears inside a triangle at the bottom of many containers.

Resin code #3

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can leach phthalates, known male reproductive toxicants. It can be identified by code 3. One way to avoid it in the kitchen is by choosing plastic wrap made from polyethylene rather than PVC. If a box is not labeled, find a brand that is or call the manufacturer.

Resin code #6

Polystyrene is used in Styrofoam products. It may leach styrene (a neurotoxin) when it comes into contact with hot, acidic, or fatty foods. It's marked with recycling code 6.

Resin code #7

Polycarbonate can leach bisphenol-A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor associated with a long list of health concerns. Baby bottles, "sippy" cups, 5-gallon water jugs, and reusable beverage bottles are typically made out of this plastic. Products may be marked with recycling code 7 (also includes any plastic that doesn't fit into the 1 to 6 recycling code categories) and/or the letters "PC."

In response to the widespread concerns about BPA, baby bottles and other items made from alternative materials are springing up. Experts say stainless steel is your best bet for reusable water bottles right now. ThinkSport and Klean Kanteen are two widely available brands.

The following plastics are considered safest for food storage. Glass and stainless steel are also good options.

Resin code #1

Polyethylene terephthalate ethylene (PETE), code 1.

Resin code #2

High-density polyethylene (HDPE), code 2.

Resin code #4

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), code 4.

Resin code #5

Polypropylene (PP), code 5.

Here are some tips for using all plastics safely:

  • Don't microwave food plastic containers. Chemicals are more likely to leach out when plastic is heated. "Microwaveable plastic" doesn't guarantee that chemicals won't leach. Cover foods in the microwave with wax paper or a plate. If you do use plastic wrap, then make sure it doesn't touch the food.
  • Avoid putting hot foods in plastic containers. Let leftovers cool off before storing them in plastic.
  • Take good care of plastics by not washing them with harsh chemicals, and dispose of scratched and worn containers. Research has shown that older, scratched items will leach more, says Kathleen Schuler at the Institute for Agricultural and Trade Policy. (Don't put them in the dishwasher if you want to be completely risk-averse, she suggests.)
Environmental journalist Lori Bongiorno shares green-living tips and product reviews with Yahoo! Green's users. Send Lori a question or suggestion for potential use in a future column. Her book, Green Greener Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-smart Choices a Part of Your Life is available on Yahoo! Shopping.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bear Markets

It's true that the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Buying into a young bear market is a great way to lose a fortune.

Joel Bowman
Agora Financial

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Stopped Cold.

Sometimes, when we are too stubborn or too stupid, the Source, Higher Consciousness, God himself stops us from doing something we may regret later.

Everyone knows the story of Joanna… he disobeyed God, got swallowed by a whale and ended up where he was supposed to be, as in where God wanted him to be.

How many married men have foolishly asked a women to lunch, with ill intent, only to be turned down? How many married women have flirted with men at church, work, or a bar, only to be stopped cold? How many times have two married people (both married to other people) tried to get together only to have the occasion thwarted by an outside circumstance? Had they succeeded what messes could they have created for themselves and their families? Even if they never got caught, would the extra emotional strain of the roller coaster ride be worth it?

It happens all the time. We foolishly set out to do something unwise, only to be stopped cold by the Universe or God himself, perhaps because of some obscure and forgotten prayer or meditation about wanting to do his will and or having asked for wisdom or his divine guidance.

You have a chance to steal some money. You want to steal it, but you just cant. You end up doing the right thing and return the lot wallet cash and all… your true desires thwarted and defeated again!
You really can’t ask for better help! If you need help, need wisdom, or need guidance ask with sincerity. Than believe and have faith. Ask until you do believe if that is necessary. But remember, someday you will end up very disappointed when one of your ill-conceived plan fails, yet later you will see that it was all a good thing! Such are the ways of the Higher Realm. Be careful what you say, think and ask for; be certain it is what you really want.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Oppportunity & Crisis

The opportunity that lies hidden any every crisis does not become apparent until all the facts of the given situation are acknowledged and fully accepted. As long as a person denies the fact, tries to escape them, or wishes things were different, the opportunity does not expose itself.
Eckhart Tolle

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sitting Quielty

Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
The Gospel according to Zen

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fault Finding

Here is a fun and interesting little faultfinding exercise that came to me on day. Most people will probably find it interesting and insightful. Although it is not generally good idea to find fault in others, there is a purpose to this particular exercise.

Find a nice quiet time or space with a pen and sheet of notebook paper. Maybe even a cup of coffee, tea or soda pop. Think of people you know or have known, people that anger you that you disagree with or have had difficulties with. Take deep breath and stay clam, you do not want to regenerate any anger or bad feelings, but rather look at these people objectively, in a friendly way. 

It is important that you try to implement little bit of kindness and acceptance of all for this next step. Do not dwell on anything for very long. Calmly begin to write down things about a person that you do not like, the underlying causes of you frustration anger with them. Try to be as general as possible, not overly specific. Do not use names. Be gentle, not harsh. Do not judge them; just let the thoughts come out of your pen and go to the next one calmly and matter-of-factly. Perhaps even do it in the spirit of constructive criticism. If a feeling of anger rises, try to forgive them. They are only human.

When one person runs out, go to another. You can return later if anything else enters your mind. Just have fun and take just enough time to finish the exercise without wasting too much time… Most people will have little trouble finding a few common faults in people. Please don’t get nit-picky... no need for that.

Now look at your list of all thee faults and quirks. Read it calmly. Now be objective. Who does it sound like? Anyone you know? Anything familiar?

Most likely you have just described yourself! You find these over half these faults in you either present or past, something you are guilty of to some degree or have a tendency towered yourself. Most likely it will be considerably more than half. Be honest now; look at it intellectually, and philosophically as well. Drop your ego and protectiveness. 

It is you - The world is a mirror.