Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bear Markets

It's true that the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Buying into a young bear market is a great way to lose a fortune.

Joel Bowman
Agora Financial

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Stopped Cold.

Sometimes, when we are too stubborn or too stupid, the Source, Higher Consciousness, God himself stops us from doing something we may regret later.

Everyone knows the story of Joanna… he disobeyed God, got swallowed by a whale and ended up where he was supposed to be, as in where God wanted him to be.

How many married men have foolishly asked a women to lunch, with ill intent, only to be turned down? How many married women have flirted with men at church, work, or a bar, only to be stopped cold? How many times have two married people (both married to other people) tried to get together only to have the occasion thwarted by an outside circumstance? Had they succeeded what messes could they have created for themselves and their families? Even if they never got caught, would the extra emotional strain of the roller coaster ride be worth it?

It happens all the time. We foolishly set out to do something unwise, only to be stopped cold by the Universe or God himself, perhaps because of some obscure and forgotten prayer or meditation about wanting to do his will and or having asked for wisdom or his divine guidance.

You have a chance to steal some money. You want to steal it, but you just cant. You end up doing the right thing and return the lot wallet cash and all… your true desires thwarted and defeated again!
You really can’t ask for better help! If you need help, need wisdom, or need guidance ask with sincerity. Than believe and have faith. Ask until you do believe if that is necessary. But remember, someday you will end up very disappointed when one of your ill-conceived plan fails, yet later you will see that it was all a good thing! Such are the ways of the Higher Realm. Be careful what you say, think and ask for; be certain it is what you really want.