Monday, April 20, 2009

Using Affirmations Properly

Most make sure you can actually believe it before affirming it. If it is too strong, water it down a bit and start with that until you grow more in faith. Come up with a variation that you can believe and that suits you. It does no good to repeat something you cannot believe. Even if you are tying to build faith, do not stretch too much. Start with something you can comprehend and after that your faith will build and you go to the next level.

To say something you do not believe over and over, can actually work against you. If your conscious mind rejects it, that rejection will get passed on to the subconscious. Do not allow that. Only speak that which will build you up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Competition and Goals

The idea of competition engenders anxiety and excess tension. Don’t be deterred from pursuing your goal by worries of competition. The truth is that the only competition you have is in your mind: between the thought of failure and the thought of success.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Withholding Wealth

When you mentally wish to withhold wealth from another, you automatically withhold form yourself.

Joseph Muphy