Monday, May 25, 2009


Realize the in your work is an opportunity to serve other people. Claim that infinite intelligence reveals better way in which you can serve.

Joseph Murphy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Solving Problems

"Now, when a problem is presented to you, bring your imagination into play at once. In your imagination see the job completed and the problem solved. That is the first thing to do. Why? Because by doing so you present to your subconscious mind a complete and detailed picture of what is wanted, and Universal Mind, the all-Powerful, will know exactly what is required and what must be done to bring that mental picture to materialization.."

from An Efficient Agent -

Monday, May 11, 2009

Increase of Substance

Here is a good general daily affirmation,

Divine Love bountifully supplies and increases substance to meet my every need.

Joseph Murphy

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Love Harmony and Wisdom

Here are two affirmations that I really liked when I discovered them:

The love harmony and wisdom of God reigns supreme in my life.

God in me thinks, speaks, acts and responds to all of life.

Adapted form Joseph Murphy

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Work this way....

Work this way....

"Thoughts ... (Spirit)
Idea ... (Intellectual)
Thing ... (Physical)

Rather than working from—
Thing ... (Physical)
Thoughts ... (Spirit)
Idea ... (Intellectual)

As you have probably done in the past and as the vast majority of people will continue to do in the future. That is to say, most people will look at a result in their life and then let that result dictate the Thoughts they will then use to build their Idea. For example, if they see that their bank account is empty (a result), they will choose to think thoughts of lack or loss and then they will use those thoughts to build the idea of poverty. However, since the idea they are holding in their mind must manifest in their future results, they are actually bringing about a
repeat performance of the very thing which they say they don’t want: namely, an empty bank account. It thus becomes a self-doom-fulfilling cycle they are
living, and clearly, this is not the way our Maker
has intended for us to live!"

-- Bob Proctor

Friday, May 01, 2009

How Others See You....

"Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see a bird that
has the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is
because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses."

-- Dale Carnegie

Monday, April 20, 2009

Using Affirmations Properly

Most make sure you can actually believe it before affirming it. If it is too strong, water it down a bit and start with that until you grow more in faith. Come up with a variation that you can believe and that suits you. It does no good to repeat something you cannot believe. Even if you are tying to build faith, do not stretch too much. Start with something you can comprehend and after that your faith will build and you go to the next level.

To say something you do not believe over and over, can actually work against you. If your conscious mind rejects it, that rejection will get passed on to the subconscious. Do not allow that. Only speak that which will build you up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Competition and Goals

The idea of competition engenders anxiety and excess tension. Don’t be deterred from pursuing your goal by worries of competition. The truth is that the only competition you have is in your mind: between the thought of failure and the thought of success.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Withholding Wealth

When you mentally wish to withhold wealth from another, you automatically withhold form yourself.

Joseph Muphy

Sunday, March 29, 2009 which the whole state is weakened

"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fool me Once

"There's an old saying in Tennessee —I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

George W Bush — Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finding your place

To help find direction use one these affirmations form Joseph Murphy. Use one or both, a combination or variation... Most make sure you can actually believe it before affirming it. If it is too strong, water it down a bit and start with that until you grow more in faith.

"Infinite intelligence reveals to me my hidden talents and shows me the way I should go."

"The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life."

Note: Never affirm something you can’t accept or believe. It could work against you and create the exact opposite effect if your conscious mind rejects the affirmation as it enters the subconscious mind.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Comments on Christian Prosperity Material

Comments on Christian Prosperity Material

This is an except form a letter to a friend....

If you jump into success and do visualizing etc – either you will fail or it well be short lived…

The very foundations need redone first. For example you believe "God is my substance, source and support" it won't do anything until it really believed – ingrained deeply. Intellectual beliefe does not count. If there is doubt within your mind it will manifest eventfully and knock you back down.

People fail by jumping into visualizing and success techniques. The read books and get all hotwired after what they believe about what they just read. They jump out claiming success but the underlying thoughts return to sabotage them.

You cannot take a short cut; you cannot take a lazy way or follow a formula except to get the foundations first. Faith is the big one. So is understanding perhaps.

How many people say – the lord is my shepherd I shall not want? They raise their hands and look holy, say amen and all that, but the outward manifestation of their life disproves the real believe or understanding of what it means. If you bring it up they get mad and argue with you. A classic argument is "tough times". Tough times seem to trump God Himself if you closely examine the church body and you secular counterparts!!

Writing a list is cool and reading it every morning but perhaps it is wimpy. You need to say it a few hundred times a day for quite awhile. The visualizing is important if you actually believe you can do it, but the very faith foundations must be rigorously gone over.

Example: I did the prayer of Jesus – "Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me" about 300 times per day… not caring what the result would be other than God sending me in the direction he wanted me to go in… Suddenly I had so many job interviews it was a royal pain in the butt… I was offered 2 jobs and probably would have been offered a 3rd. I still receive short term contract interview offers on a regular basis almost a year later.

The spiritual foundations of beliefe and understanding for provision, health and peace are very important, or you will get out of balance and kill yourself with anxiety, anger, stress, judgment, impatience, etc. If you get off balance during your journey the prosperity could be more harmful than good.

I cannot stress the faith and understanding – that is my main focus for now.

I am absorbing these two the mostly (from Charles Fillmore)"

"I am unmovable spirit substance."
"God is my substance, supply and support."

I drive down the road now a see how God has supplied or supported me – or saved me in the past – memories and gratitude long forgotten….
If you jump into success and do visualizing etc – earth you will fail or it well be short lived…

I drive down the road now a see how God has supplied or supported me – or saved me in the past – memories and gratitude long forgotten…. (No more radio talk shows or music anymore)

Anyway I m sure you can see that if these 2 particular foundations are not strong everything will eventually collapse. Yes there are others but these are a good starting point.

You must stay focused to win the battle of thoughts in your mind. And people are depending on it!

I’ll keep you posted – consider me something similar to a lab rat... (Adorable little buggers! – yet a very useful function) I have been quite a bit more optimistic lately overall, but I am still working on it…

Friday, March 06, 2009

The One Mind

There is only one mind that is the source of all. I am of that mind.

The one mind is eternal and it s life. I am of eternal life.

The one mind knows only health and well-being. I am full of health and well being.

The one mind is the source of all power. He gives me power and peace.

The one mind is truth. He gives me knowledge and wisdom.

The one mind is the source of all. He gives me health, wealth, all abundance, and plenty.

The one mind is truth and life. I know the way the truth and the life.

I am the light of the world. Light shines through me to bless others.

All that is possible to anyone else is possible to me. I can succeed. I DO succeed.

The power of success is in me. The one mind gives me that power of success.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A powerful Affirmation

Here is one to repeat as often as possible:

I am health, wealth, wisdom, peace, prosperity & happiness.


God super-abundantly supplies me with health, wealth, wisdom, peace, prosperity & happiness.

Another variation frequently used is to just say the words: health, wealth, wisdom, peace, prosperity & happiness.

Come up with your own variation.

Idea from "Think yourself to Health, Wealth and Happiness- the best of Joseph Murphy's Cosmic Wisdom.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mental Self-Thought Poisoning

Lesson Thirteen - Mental Self-Thought Poisoning

Every thought or emotion vibrates through every cell in the body and leaves an influence like itself.

To be healthy, happy, and successful, we must be good. There is no other road to true happiness and real prosperity.

Did you realize that it is possible to read in your face and manner the record of your thoughts; that your face is a bulletin board upon which is advertised what has been going on in your mind for years?

A healthy body is composed of healthy thought externalized, outpictured. And, too, it follows the ideals, and as long as one holds the youthful, vigorous, progressive, energetic, creative ideal in their mind their body responds to the thought.

Just try the experiment of thinking of yourself as an absolutely perfect being, possessing superb health, a magnificent body, a vigorous constitution, a sublime mind, and capable of standing any amount of strain.

Never allow yourself to have a defective, crippled, dwarfed ideal of yourself; never entertain such an imperfect health model for an instant, for these mental patterns of yourself will gradually begin to be reproduced in your physical condition.

Our ideas, ideals, thoughts, emotions, moods, our mental attitude, send a constant succession of vibrations through every cell, every organ, and through all the functions of the body. There is a perpetual succession of these impulses through the entire mass of the millions of cells.

It is now well established that vicious mental states, violent emotions and explosive passions, make chemical changes in the brain and poison the cell life through the whole body.

We are much more susceptible to disease when suffering from any sort of mental discord, discouragement, or the "blues," because of the cell damage due to the presence of chemical changes, the impairment of nutrition, imperfect digestion, and mental self-poisoning.

When discordant from worry, anxiety, anger, revenge, or jealousy, you may know that these things drain away your energy, waste your vitality at a fearful rate, and not only do no good, but also grind away the delicant mental machinery, inducing premature age and shortening the life. Worry thoughts, fear thoughts, selfish thoughts are so many malignant forces within us, destroying harmony and ruining efficiency, while the opposite thoughts produce just the opposite result. They soothe instead of irritate, and increase efficiency, multiply mental power. Five minutes of hot temper may work such a havoc in the delicate cell life of the nervous system that it will take weeks or months to repair the injury, or it may never be repaired.

Many people keep themselves in a state of chronic self-poisoning by their embittered, revengeful, hateful, jealous thoughts, selfishness or by their violent tempers and fits of raging passion. These self-prisoners not only destroy their present happiness and success, but also many years of their lives.

Whatever improves the health of the mind improves the health of the body. The uplifting, inspiring, cheerful and optimistic thought is not only a great mental tonic, but a physical tonic also.

Never allow yourself to be convinced that you are not complete master of yourself. Stoutly affirm your own superiority over bodily ills, and do not acknowledge yourself the slave of an inferior power.

Love is the normal law of our being, and any departure from the love though must result in anarchy of the physical economy, because the law of our being has been violated.

It is not difficult to shut out poisonous thoughts from the mind. All one need do is to substitute the opposite thought to that which produces the fatal poison, for it will always furnish the antidote. Discord can not exist in the presence of harmony. The charitable thought, the love thought, will very quickly kill the jealousy, the hate, and the revenge though, If we force pleasant, cheerful pictures into the mind, the gloomy, "blue" thoughts will have to get out.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hard Work?

Let me ask you this...
Do you think "You HAVE to WORK HARD to be wealthy?"

Maybe it's true, maybe not. But what matters MOST is that...
When you phrase it that way, you manifest obstacles
instead of WEALTH...

You manifest HARD WORK, instead of something that's your passion.

Dr. Eric Amidi

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Self Honesty

  1. When I am quick to find error in others, I have failed to correct myself.
  1. When my acts are designed to persuade another, I doubt myself.
  1. When I experience struggle with the world. I have denied responsibility for my own creations.
  1. When I feel separate and alone. I have failed to forgive.
  1. When events repeat themselves in my life, there is a lesson I need to learn.
From Resurfacing, by Harry Palmer

He Who Thinks He Can..

You have heard "he who thinks he can, can", but this is not necessarily true. Even he who knows he can may fail if the thought is only an objective thought held only in his conscious mind. It is true however true that - he who knows he can, within in his subconscious mind, can.

If you only grasp the thought consciously, it is very likely that your subconscious mind may overrule and withhold your power to succeed when you need it the most. Call this a divided mind, if you’d like - a mind divided against it cannot stand.

You must impress you subconscious first. Practice the following mental exercise several times per day, and especially before sleep, Say with deep earnest feeling, “I can succeed! All that is possible to anyone is possible to me. I am successful. I do succeed, for I am full of the power of success.”

Realize it is true and repeat it over and over until your mentality is saturated with the knowledge, Practice the above autosuggestion for a month with persistence and you will KNOW that you have within you that which CAN do what you want to do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Method

Every person who does a thing perfect is instantly presented with an opportunity to begin doing at the next larger thing. This is a universal law of all life; and is unfailing. First do perfect all that you can do now; keep on doing it perfectly until the doing of it becomes so easy that you have a surplus power left after doing it; then by this surplus power you will get a hold on the work on the higher plane and begin to extend your association with the environment.

In accordance to the principle, then, you can advance only by filling more than your present palace. You must do perfectly all that you can do now; and it this law that by doing perfectly all that you can do now that you will became able to later do things which you cannot do now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scoffers, Mockers and Other Difficult people

Here are two affirmations for handling scoffers, mockers and other difficult people in your life.

I ignore the negative comments of others. I bless them and watch my lips. I never rebuke a fool.


I waste no time pondering over fools; I bless them than go about my business.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Summary of the Science of Being Great

All men are made of the one intelligent substance, and therefore all contain the same essential powers and possibilities. Greatness is equally inherent in all, and may be manifested by all. Every person may become great. Every constituent of God is a constituent of man.

Man may overcome both heredity and circumstances by exercising the inherent creative power of his soul. If he is to become great, the soul must act, and must rule the mind and body. Man’s knowledge is limited, and he falls into error through ignorance; to avoid this he must connect his soul with the Universal Spirit. Universal Spirit is the intelligent substance from which all things come; it is in and through all things. All things are known to this universal mind, and man can so unite himself with it as to enter all knowledge.

To do this a man must cast out of himself everything which separates him form God. He must will to live the divine life, and he must rise above all moral temptations; he must forsake every course of action that is not in accord with his highest ideals. He must reach the right viewpoint, recognizing that God is all, in all, and that there is nothing wrong.

He must see that nature, society, and government, and industry are perfect in their present stage, and advancing toward completion and that all men and women everywhere are good and perfect. He must know that all is right with the world, and unite with God for the completion of the perfect work. It is only as man sees God as the Great Advancing Presence in all, and good in all, that he can rise to real greatness. He must consecrate himself to the service of the highest that is within him, obeying the voice of the soul. There is an Inner Light in every man which continuously impels him toward the highest, and he must be guided by the light if he would become great.

He must recognize the fact that he is one with the Father, and continuously affirm this unity for himself and others, he must know himself to be a god among gods, and act accordingly. He must have absolute faith in his own perceptions of truth, and begin at home to act on those perceptions, as he sees the true and right course in small things, he must take that course. He must cease to act unthinkingly, and begin to think, and he must be sincere in his thought.

He must form a mental conception of himself at the highest, and hold this conception until it is his habitual thought-form of himself. This thought-form he must keep continuously in view. He must outwardly realize and express that thought-form in his actions. He must do everything that he does in a great way. In dealing with his family, his neighbors, acquaintances, and friends, he must make every act and expression of his ideal.

The man who reaches the right viewpoint and makes full consecration, and who fully idealizes himself as great, and who makes ever act, however trivial, and espression of the ideal, has already attained to greatness. Everything he does will be done in a great way. He will make himself known and will be recognized as a personality of power. He will receive knowledge by inspiration, and will know all that he needs to know. He will receive all the material wealth he forms in his thoughts, and will not lack for any good thing. He will be given ability to deal with any combination of circumstances which may arise, and his growth and progress will be continuous and rapid. Great works will seek him out, and all men will delight to do him honor.

From The Science of Being Great by Wallace D Wattles

Sunday, February 08, 2009

You Must Have Purpose

Focus on Purpose as used in "The Science of Getting Rich" Purpose - intended result, determination

There must be Purpose, Faith and Willingness to act.

Faith & purpose in the imagination is essential also.
The more continuous the faith & purpose, the faster you get rich!
Therefore hold it before work, during work, after work and in you leisure.
You need to hold the faith and purpose with gratitude that you will succeed or get it.
Hold the faith and purpose while you act in the present.
Holding faith and purpose makes your acts efficient.
Halt when you find yourself hurried and focus on your purpose (and faith and gratitude)
Hold you faith, purpose and gratitude so that it radiates form you.
Stop all feelings of doubt – doubt is opposite of faith and purpose
Purpose -
1 a: something set up as an object or end to be attained : intention
b: resolution , determination

Friday, February 06, 2009

Grattitude vs. Complaining

A thankful person is thankful under all
circumstances. A complaining soul
complains even if he lives in paradise..


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Setting Up Targets

Try This:
1. At the beginning of each week, write out your three major targets for the week, three important actions that will move you ahead, the most productive (.effective action.) things that contribute to bringing your big picture into form.
2. For each of your three targets, come up with your bull.s-eye . the best possible results; the minimum acceptable that you can complete and still make progress; and an intermediate level as well.
3. Take action, and at the end of the week gratefully celebrate your successes and congratulate yourself on what learned in the process. Then adjust your course where necessary, set new targets for the new week, and move on!


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What if you were suddenly paid $XXX per hour?

Here is an interesting thought.

It is based on the idea that once you become too big for you current place – nature itself almost has to promote you – even if you employer does not.

Should you disagree with that, you still must concede that you need to grow at your current level if you want to get further, or that certainly you should not get more for doing less. (Any person who thinks they are under-appreciated and cheated, and angry about it– almost automatically cuts themselves short.)

The above is the quick summary.

Now here is the fast summary of the exercise…with a lot of steps left out.

How much money do you want to make per hour?

Get that idea in your head – write it down and scroll downward…








How would you do you current job if suddenly you were paid that figure?

Without killing yourself or going overboard... what would you improve quality and attitude-wise?

What bad or lazy habits would you drop? What would you be more thorough?

How can you take that new view to other areas of your life… relationships, community groups etc?


Monday, February 02, 2009

Guard Your Thoughts

Guard your thoughts, for they become your words.
Guard your words, for they become your actions.
Guard your actions, for they become your habits.
Guard your habits, for they become your character.
Guard your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Choose Thoughts Wisely

The key to your health, wealth, prosperity, and success is you capacity to choose. Choose whatsoever things are true, lovely, noble and God-like. Choose thoughts, idea and images that heal, bless, inspire, dignify and elevate your whole being.

If you have trouble maintaining a positive perspective, when you open your eyes in the morning say to yourself, “I choose happiness today. I choose success today. I choose right action today. I choose love and goodwill for all today. I choose peace today."

Joseph Murphy

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Choose Right

Choose peace, divine guidance, and right action in your life, and decree that "goodness, truth and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever.”

Friday, January 23, 2009

Phillipians 4:8

Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be ay virtue, if there be any praise, think on those things.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 16, 2009

Choose this day...

If your do not choose from the Kingdom of heaven within you, which is the presence of God in your deeper mind, you will make decisions based on events, circumstances, and conditions around you. You will over look the powers within you and will exalt the powers of circumstances.
Choose from the kingdom of God within you, and move forward on the high road to happiness, health, freedom, and the joy of living the abundant life

Choose this day whom ye will serve. (Joshua 24:15)

Joseph Murphy

Monday, January 12, 2009

You Are Strong Immoveable Spirit Substance

Repeat, say with conviction:

"I am strong immoveable spirit substance." or "I am strong unshakeable spirit substance."

This will open the door of your mind to in inflow of substance-filled ideas. As they come use them freely. Do not hesitate or doubt that they will bring results. They are God's ideas given in answer to your prayer and in order to supply your needs. They are substance, intelligent loving, and eager to manifest themselves to meet your needs.

From "Prospeity" by Charles Fillmore

Thursday, January 08, 2009

2 Questions

In every negatively perceived situation, or better yet in every situation, ask:

1. What is good about this?

2. Where is the seed of equal or greater benefit?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Anatomy of Failure

If there is failure, and you examine the Mental Attitude you held prior to the event, you will inevitably find one of these things.

1. Your desire was not constructive.

2. You doubted the Power's ability to give you your desire.

3. You have particularised or, in other words, you have wanted things exactly your way instead of the way of Infinite Wisdom.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Thougths are Bomerangs

Regard your thoughts as boomerangs. If you think an evil thought of any person or anything, you will be the loser. It is your mental attitude that is disturbed and there is no one but yourself to blame. All thoughts are boomerangs. They come back to the thinker

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Nothing Is Wrong With The World But My Attitude Toward It

We must come to realize that people are perfect just as they are in their current context. As they are currently made and developed, they function at the fullest most perfect level for that place. People are created to experience, react, learn and grow at the rate their situation or level allows them – and this, they already most certainly do.

Therefore in another persons' blundering' or any other apparent ‘wrong’ or ‘weaknesses’ or ‘ignorance’, they are perfect. We are uniquely and wonderfully made says God.

It is perhaps the observer who judges negatively that is wrong, for that observer is first of choosing to argue with reality, which is futile. He is expecting what can not be. He expecting things to be the way he wishes rather than they way they are. He is also choosing disappointment, annoyance, anger or anguish, and at times perhaps even self exultation instead of acceptance. None of any such choices is helpful, beneficial, or perhaps even logical. Yet that person, consumed with judgment, is also is perfect for his current state of, enlightenment, advancement and growth.

Nothing is wrong but the observer’s attitude. In other words – nothing is wrong with the world but my attitude toward it.

God has brought forth the world and allowed it to function in it’s free will. The world is functioning perfectly for the state is in or has chosen. The world his not finished yet and nether is God. Neither the world nor another person’s problems are for me to fix. Rather it is my world that is for me to fix, and fixing that that will spread like yeast or the kingdom heaven, which is all ready among us. If heaven is here, perfection is in our midst.

Again, the world is perfect for its current stage of development and enlightenment. When the world chooses a higher plane of enlightenment, it will reach higher levels. In the mean time, it is perfect for its current stage. Accepting this will make life easier and help open many doors.

Let’s take this home now. There is nothing wrong with my friends, family, or relatives – they are functioning perfectly for the current level of growth, advancement and enlightenment they are presently in, whether by choice or chance. These people are not for me to try to fix or complain about. Certainly it was not God's plan in creating them that I do so. Take the plank out of your one eye first, Jesus tells us. But rather, by fixing myself I can be an example and inspiration.

Neither is the world falling apart or going to hell in a bucket. It is all going along according to God’s plan. It is not God’s intention I should belittle His creation or His plan. It is also not helpful for one to take a negative stance. A negative mind is a contracting mind. It limits itself and its possibilities. It limits its effectiveness. It sabotages its efforts. You cannot remain negative toward the world and do so without being a part of it, without it affecting your outlook and communication with God. On the other hand a positive mind is an expanding mind, a mind that sees possibilities, and through gratitude it can be in closer touch with God. Such a mind can do great things and even be a messenger of God. God often uses persons with such a mind to perform the miraculous.

Finally, a person’s place of employment is perfect as well. For that company's current level of development, enlightenment and advancement, it is functioning at its perfect level. This applies to ones co-workers as well. A good understanding of this can make your job much easier, and make you much happier. Face the fact that you are part of them. You are always free to choose and to go elsewhere. However, if you are critical, creating despair and agony within yourself, that will follow you even to your next interview. It will radiate out of you and stop you from getting a better chance. It will poison your and make you a prisoner.

Seeing thee world as perfect in these ways is your only salvation. It is the only way to become truly great and successful, to break free form your current shackles and soar to new heights.

In all situations strive to see the world as perfect and give thanks to God for all you have every day. Rehearse it daily and meditate on it until you engrain it into your very being. There is nothing wrong with the world but my attitude toward it.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Summary of the Science of Getting Rich

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; otherwise he cannot be in harmony with the Formless Intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.
Man may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of Substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the Formless. Man can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the Formless Intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.
Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become; and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him. The man who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating his Vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the reality is being given to him. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the Formless, and the creative forces set in motion.
The creative energy works through the established channels of natural growth, and of the industrial and social order. All that is included in his mental image will surely be brought to the man who follows the instructions given above, and whose faith does not waver. What he wants will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce.
In order to receive his own when it shall come to him, man must be active; and this activity can only consist in more than filling his present place. He must keep in mind the Purpose to get rich through the realization of his mental image. And he must do, every day, all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. He must give to every man a use value in excess of the cash value he receives, so that each transaction makes for more life; and he must so hold the Advancing Thought that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes in contact.
The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich; and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.
From Chapter 17 of Wallace D Wattles "The Scinece of Getting Rich"

Thursday, January 01, 2009


I prayed and believe ‘it’ would happen, something big. For months and months I had a string of temporary contract jobs. Than it happened, I got a great job. I stopped praying, thinking that ‘it’ had happened.

Eventfully time went on, with me no longer being grateful every day and not even conceiving that ‘it’ and life could get much greater and with more abundance. That was a mistake, the one most everyone makes – to get busy and forgetful, to begin to complain some and not be grateful, to not imagine more, to see ‘it’ as having been reached and progress will now go on at the current fixed rate.

But there is fact and unlimited abundance I forgot about, There is a huge mountain of gold (be it money, health, happiness etc) and I had stopped and staked my tent at a few nuggets on the way.

The Power of Thought

The croakers of the world cried out that the coal beds were becoming exhausted, and that the race was doomed in consequence. A wider range of thought was correlated by the substance of electricity, and the world came out of its nervous chill on the subject of coal.

Because balloons proved a failure, did anyone suppose that the air would never be navigated? Even if gas and machinery had failed to accomplish this thing, there is a power latent in man's organism that will do it; namely, the power of thought, to which all substances are negative.