Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You are wealthy now, in abundance of what you are thinking about

The world is a creative engine, and will create whatever you are really thinking. Every thought in your mind is a prayer about you, no matter who the subject seems to be.

The only way to manifest lack is top hold something against someone else.
Give up all thoughts of offense, revenge, of being injured, of self-justification, of needed to defend your self against others’ expectations, of the unfairness of life, of others getting some unearned advantage.

Joy breeds joy and sorrow breeds sorrow. When you here of someone’s good fortune, think, “Good for them! God is blessing and prospering them, and I bless them also!”

Charles Fillmore sys, “The inexhaustible resource of spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack. Abundance is her and now manifest!” (Charles Fillmore or Charles Fillmore)

And he is absolutely right!
from Brad Jenson

Monday, December 29, 2008


When any person withholds that which belongs to the universe, his life is thrown out of balance, he experiences loss in some form. It may be lack of supply, lack of health, lack of love, lack of spiritual understanding, or lack of direction in his life. It is only as we let go of our littleness that we can expand into the larger life.

Cahterine Ponder

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Impression of Increase

All people are seeking some form of increase [growth expansion, improvement, encouragement, strengthening] whether they know it or not. They are naturally attracted to increase and those who either gives to them or makes them feel as they they are getting it.

Convey the impression of advancement [progress, expansion, increase] with everything you do so that all people receive that impression that they will advance with you. Do this socially as well. You can this by holding the unshakable faith [confidence, trust, belief] you are getting rich or on the way of increase [advancement, success, wealth, increase] and let this faith inspire, fill and permeate every action. Do everything with the conviction you are an advancing being and you are giving advancement to everyone else. Feel [think, believe] you are getting rich and that in doing so you are making others rich. But do not brag or boast of your success and do not rule or dominate over others.

Source: Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, chapter 14

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is that so?

The Zen master Hakuin lived in a small village in Japan. He was held in high regard for his spiritual teaching. It happened that a beautiful girl in the village became pregnant. Her angry scolding parents demanded to know the identity of the father. Finally the girl told them it was Hakuin, the Zen master. In great anger the parents parents confronted Hakuin with their daughter's accusation. He simply replied "Is that so?"

News of the scandal spread and the master soon lost his reputation. None of this bothered the master. Though no one came to see him anymore, he remained unmoved. When the child was born, the parents brought it to the Hakuin. They demanded that he take care of the child since it was his responsibility. "Is that so?" Hakuin said calmly as he accepted the child.

Hakuin took very good loving care of the child. A year later the daughter confessed that the real father was a young man in the village who worked in a shop. With much distress and many apologies the parents went to Hakuin to explain what had happened. "Is that so?" Hakuin said and he handed back to them the child.