Thursday, November 06, 2014

Does charity help? Is Charity Destructive? What about Foreign Aid?

This video is a somewhat hard and grim view on a serious subject, and perhaps not the best answer, but it does make you think.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The rest for which you are waiting

A Zen Parable:
His disciple asked him:

“On what day will the rest of the dead occur?”
“When does the new world come?”

He said, "The rest for which you are waiting has already come, but you do not yet recognize it."

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Visiting Professor

The Master Nan’in accepted a visit from a respected professor that came to inquire about Zen. While serving tea, Nan’in poured the professor's cup full, and continued pouring until the professor could no longer hold back. “It is already full! It is overflowing and no more can go in!”

“Like this cup", Nan’in Said, "you are full of your own beliefs, opinions, and speculation. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

Saturday, September 06, 2014

The Causa Sui Project

Desire is the root of all suffering and evil.
The Causa Sui project is a result of desire.
The Casa Sui project (collectively in society) is the cause of much human suffering throughout all history – primitive to present.
History proves that both the personal social causa sui will project will ruthlessly kills to sustain itself.
The Cusa Sui is rooted in Ego.
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
To protect their own egos and social status (Causa Sui), the Pharisees killed him. 

Monday, September 01, 2014

Your Income

Did you know that your income will tend to be the average of the incomes of the ten people you hang out with the most? It’s true. Just check it out for yourself and see. 

Your attitude will tend to follow the same pattern.

The people you spend your time with are your team. They’re your support system –- whether they’re supplying support for the highest and best in you and your life ... or otherwise.
List the ten people you’re most involved with and them rate them on a scale of 0-10, with ten being someone who is a total cheerleader, always encouraging and edifying you and expressing faith in you. 0 is the opposite: a “dreamstealer” who always finds fault, finds the reasons why you can’t do what you want and why “it won’t work.” A “downer.”

Monday, August 25, 2014


"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." - Lewis B. Smedes

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Overcoming Life's Difficulties

To judge yourself or your situation in any negative way is pure foolishness. You need to accept yourself for exactly what you are. You must accept any mediocrity, shortcomings, inferiorities, business and personal situations, or other issues. To judge them and get emotional or to blame circumstances is merely an affirmation of weakness. This does not mean you cannot change things. However if you wish to change things, you have to know where to start from. So all your pains, misgivings, letdowns, disappointments, and weaknesses can be like your teacher or starting point.

You take yourself exactly as you are and say, "This is me and I like myself. I don't care what anyone else thinks. It's not my problem. It's really theirs. If they want to be upset about something in me well that's just the reflection of them. Why should I Care? Why should I take it away from them?"

You can list your problems one by one so long as you do not dwell on them negatively. Do not let any emotion about them creep into you at all. They just simply are like the birds that shirk away in the distance they sell them listen to and thus they don't bother you. Your shortcoming should be like those birds. They should not bother you. You should just simply realize what you want to change and change it. This is not to say that it's easy or that it will take quite some time. But to begin the journey you must start with self-acceptance and honest evaluation.

As for affirmations, simply telling yourself the opposite of what you really are really will not solve anything. In fact you won't even actually believe it any way. It's simply wasting your time. Deep down you will know it is not true so it wasted effort. Instead set your affirmations and goals just a little bit ahead of you and as you reach closer move that goal out a little bit more. It is almost like a carrot on a stick. It is close. It is so close that the reality of reaching it is not in any way a fantasy. You can almost touch it. That is the way your goal should be. You can almost and reach and touch it. And once it gets close or your reach it, set out a little bit further. Don't forget to stop and celebrate now then also.

It doesn't matter if it is money, a skill, an emotional tendency, a habit, a job, lifestyle, spiritual quest, or whatever. Simply accept and start from that point.

The same is true with others. Don’t judge them, or try to change them. Accept them, you can always walk away. And if you can’t, as you change they will have to eventually adjust. Acceptance is the starting point but acceptance does not mean giving up. It means looking at the reality and accepting it as a stating point.

The only thing you need to change is your self.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


This is a powerful affirmation. Relax. Smile in your mind. Smile in your eyes. Smile in your heart. Feel the pleasantness of a fond memory.

God is healing me now.

Affirm it over an over 15, 20,25 even 30 minutes if you can concetrate on it that long.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

From Salvation vs.Satori

Ideas Taken from “The Gospel According to Zen” Salvation vs.Satori

There is nothing to be liberated from, nothing to attain. There is only now and the rest is compulsion and duty – idolatry – the taking of most of your energy toward an object, including obtaining salvation, becomes idolatry.

You free yourself once you quit believing you need to be free. That is once you throw away the struggle of needing to be free, or attaining salvation, or any other thing in this world.
All this struggling is self inflicted torture including struggling to meet God who is here.

Friday, March 21, 2014

On Success...

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the
life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common Hours…

Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, March 08, 2014

All the ideas we have of ourselves...

All the ideas we have of ourselves are ULTIMATELY false. Any asserted or resisted definition-- call it I, identity, self--it is not who we are! It’s a product of who we are! It’s the bubble we created to operate from within. It is the definition that we wear, and it determines our experience of other bubbles. Ego is the effort to protect the bubble.

Harry Palmer.
I Am Still Floating

Monday, February 03, 2014

Spiritual sight, x-raylike, penetrates into all matter; the divine eye is center everywhere, circumference nowhere. I realized anew, standing there in the sunny courtyard, that when man ceases to be a prodigal child of God, engrossed in a physical world indeed dream, baseless as a bubble, he reinherits his eternal realms. If "escapism" be a need of man, cramped in his narrow personality, can any escape compare with the majesty of omnipresence?

Paramahansa Yogananda

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

After ten years...

After ten years of spiritual study, I realized that all of what I had learned was what someone else believed—my mind was full of what someone else had concluded or imagined. Thought dragons, keeping me from my own divine center.
Harry Palmer.

Arbitrary decisions determine desires and resistances..

Arbitrary decisions determine desires and resistances. They are the motives that direct life when I am not present and tolerant enough to make an arbitrary decision. Desires and resistances invite the creation of assumptions. This is good. This is bad. Assumptions become beliefs. Thoughts arise from beliefs. Beliefs are seed pods of thoughts. Beliefs ripen and, when disturbed, shed thoughts, defining them in bubbles of consciousness to drift within awareness until they dissolve.

Harry Palmer.
I Am Still Floating

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Creating Your Future

Notes from - CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY - Neville Goddard

Man, by assuming the feeling of his wish fulfilled, alters his future in harmony with his assumption, for, assumptions though false, if sustained, will harden into fact. 

Let us say I want to be healthy. Pills will not do it. Diet or climate will not do it. I must become conscious of being healthy by assuming the feeling of being healthy. 

In concentrating on your objective, the secret is to bring it here. You must make elsewhere here and then now imagine that your objective is so close that you can feel it. 

Take the idea that you want to embody, and assume that you are already it. Lose yourself in feeling this assumption is solidly real. As you give it this sense of reality, you have given it the blessing which belongs to the objective world, and you do not have to aid its birth any more than you have to aid the birth of a child or a seed you plant in the ground. The seed you plant grows unaided by a man, for it contains within itself all the power and all the plans necessary for self-expression.  

You draw from within yourself that which you now want to express as something objective to yourself.

If I now know what I want to be, and assume that I am it, and walk as though I were, I become it and becoming it I so completely die to my former concept of self that I cannot point to any place in this world and say: that is where my former self is buried. I so completely died that I defy posterity to ever find where I buried my old self.

Do not ask yourself how this thing is going to be. It does not matter if your reason denies it. It does not matter if all the world round about you denies it. You do not have to bury the old. "Let the dead bury the dead." You will so bury the past by remaining faithful to your new concept of Self that you will defy the whole vast future to find where you buried it.  

Next visualiize!

You do not visualize yourself at a distance in point of space and at a distance in point of time being congratulated on your good fortune. Instead, you MAKE elsewhere HERE and the future NOW. The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now , and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure.

Restrict the imaginary action which implies fulfillment of the desire, to condense the idea into a single act, and to re-enact it over and over again until it has the feeling of reality. Otherwise, your attention will wander off along an associational track, and hosts of associated images will be presented to your attention, and in a few seconds they will lead you hundreds of miles away from your objective in point of space and years away in point of time. 
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